Category: SharePoint Framework

HOT SEAT with Vesa Juvonen - SharePoint Framework (SPFx)
HOT SEAT with Vesa Juvonen – SharePoint Framework (SPFx)

HOT SEAT with Vesa Juvonen – SharePoint Framework (SPFx) In this rapid fire Q&A Hot Seat, Vesa Juvonen, Principal Product Manager, Microsoft, answers questions on SPFx pre-install, dependencies, and the technical stack. The discussion covers the advantages and disadvantages of tightly coupling SPFX with SharePoint online. Vesa is a principal product manager at Microsoft, located… READ MORE

Using Open AI API in SharePoint Framework Projects
Using Open AI API in SharePoint Framework Projects

Using Open AI API in SharePoint Framework Projects Join Anoop Tatti, MVP, and watch this webinar recording to learn all about Using Open AI API in SharePoint Framework Projects! Webinar Description – ‘Using Open AI API in SharePoint Framework Projects’ Do you want to translate your SharePoint content quickly and accurately, without sacrificing nuance? If… READ MORE

Transforming SharePoint Forms with SPFx: How to Start
Transforming SharePoint Forms with SPFx: How to Start

Transforming SharePoint Forms with SPFx: How to Start Join David Ramalho, MVP, and watch this webinar recording to learn all about how to start transforming SharePoint forms with SPFx! Webinar Description – ‘Transforming SharePoint Forms with SPFx: How to Start’ SharePoint is a powerful collaboration platform used by organisations of all sizes to manage content,… READ MORE

Use Image Helper API with the SharePoint Framework (beta)
Use Image Helper API with the SharePoint Framework (beta)
Blog Posts

Context With the SharePoint Framework v1.14 release, Microsoft introduced a brand new Image Helper API to help developers to manage thumbnail images and optimized URLs to images stored in the SharePoint Online service. This feature is actually in developer preview and shouldn’t be used in production until the GA release planned for June 2022 (subject to change). In this first… READ MORE

Text to speech in SharePoint Framework (SPFx) web part
Text to speech in SharePoint Framework (SPFx) web part
Blog Posts

This article provides steps to implement the Text to speech feature in the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) web part Create a new web part project Open power shell and run following comment to create a new web part by running the Yeoman SharePoint Generator When prompted: Enter the webpart name as your solution name, and then… READ MORE

Be Careful Revoking SharePoint SPFx Service Principal Grants
Be Careful Revoking SharePoint SPFx Service Principal Grants
Blog Posts

When building SPFx webparts which connect to the Graph API, or other 3rd party API’s, you have to grant the appropriate permissions to the ServicePrincipal used by SPFx, which is called “SharePoint Online Client Extensibility Web Application Principal” – see Request permissions to an Azure AD application. There are a few ways you can do this; Declarative permissions request by… READ MORE

AngularJS - How to Use in SharePoint Framework (SPFx)
AngularJS – How to Use in SharePoint Framework (SPFx)
Blog Posts

In this post, I will show you how to use AngularJS in SPFx. I have divided the steps for better understanding.Here are the steps: 1.    Create SPFx Project with No JavaScript Web Framework 2.    Add Dev Dependencies 3.    Remove some Dependencies 4.    Run “npm install” 5.    Modify “config.json” 6.    Create folder called “app” under “/src/webparts/angularjsWebpart/”… READ MORE