Category: Social

When we focus on Social in a Microsoft context, we are talking about SharePoint, Teams, Teamwork and Yammer. Social can be a private network that helps employees collaborate across departments, locations and even business apps, it can be your company’s private network, your Facebook and Twitter handle, however various other applications are used to help you and your  team stay on top of it all. With SharePoint and other Microsoft technologies, this is a broad subject which is constantly evolving.

Therefore, the Social category is broad too, many different subjects are touched upon and this section is full of handy tips, tricks and advise. Check out some of the Step by Step blogs or learn with our eBooks, How To videos and Webinars.

Latest from Microsoft Ignite for IT Pros

Microsoft Ignite once again brings in a plethora of announcements, changes, new features, new services and things to keep track of. This session will highlight what’s essential, tell you what’s interesting and shine light on things you might have missed during the week of Ignite. If you’re a IT Pro working with Microsoft Azure, Office… READ MORE

GigJam – First-Hand Experience
GigJam – First-Hand Experience

GigJam was first demonstrated during Worldwide Partner Conference 2015 where it gained traction. It showed that you can connect multiple systems on a ‘Gig’ and work with peers to collaborate on those Gigs. This looked (and indeed it is) simple without the hassle of building integration channels, using delegations (if supported by the system) or… READ MORE

Hybrid Dilemma: Dividing content between Azure, O365 & SP2016

Hybrid SharePoint: Hybrid Dilemma: Dividing Content Between Azure, O365 & SP2016 Speaker: Adam Levithan, Director Product Management, Metalogix, USA With SP2016, IT Pros face the question – Where does my content belong, Azure, O365, or on-premises? We will examine a real-life scenario where an organization divided content across O365/SP2013 workloads, and how SP2016’s search, profile,… READ MORE

BPA Quality ISO 9001:2015
BPA Quality ISO 9001:2015
Blog Posts

The need to comply with customer’s demands and regulations is increasingly challenging for managers and executives. Complex risk(s) and quality management obligations must be observed (and or monitored) on a daily basis down to the affiliate levels. Noncompliance can hurt any organization’s bottom line, market position and corporate image.