Category: Social

When we focus on Social in a Microsoft context, we are talking about SharePoint, Teams, Teamwork and Yammer. Social can be a private network that helps employees collaborate across departments, locations and even business apps, it can be your company’s private network, your Facebook and Twitter handle, however various other applications are used to help you and your  team stay on top of it all. With SharePoint and other Microsoft technologies, this is a broad subject which is constantly evolving.

Therefore, the Social category is broad too, many different subjects are touched upon and this section is full of handy tips, tricks and advise. Check out some of the Step by Step blogs or learn with our eBooks, How To videos and Webinars.

Store Twitter mentions on blog posts in Azure database using Azure Logic App and Azure API App
Store Twitter mentions on blog posts in Azure database using Azure Logic App and Azure API App
Blog Posts

As blogger it fancies me when people react on the post with comments. But the first thing you do with your post is placing it on a social platform like twitter. Instead of reacting on the blog itself, readers mostly react via twitter. Wouldn’t it be cool to have those twitter comments at your blog post? This article describes a technique using Azure Logic Apps to get the mentions on your blog posts into an Azure database.

Approaching Social with Purpose
Approaching Social with Purpose
Blog Posts

At the SharePoint Connect 2014 conference (#SPcon14) in Amsterdam this month, I gave a keynote presentation on the very difficult proposition of integrating social into an organization. It’s a topic that I find myself writing about and talking with customers about more and more as organizations begin to seriously consider the implications of moving forward with some of Microsoft’s latest technology (Delve, Groups, inline social) being released within SharePoint Online and across the Office365 platform.