Archives: Events

Copilot for Microsoft 365

Join our deep dive to learn more about accelerating your productivity, unleashing your creativity and uplevelling your skills with Microsoft 365 Copilot. We’ll include answering your questions on the governance and management of these AI driven experiences.

Microsoft Ask Me Anything

Got a burning question you just can’t yet find an answer to? This AMA is one lively live hour of Q&A with the opportunity to ask Jeff Teper and team questions and voice feedback about Copilot, OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams, Viva, Syntex, Power Platform, development, and more. You’ll come in scratching your head and leave with… READ MORE

[Inspire Stage] Art and Work

📍 Inspire Stage, Expo 🕥 15.15-16:15 With the exception of some people for whom work is their number one priority, the most of us need to maintain a balance that allows for even higher priorities: family, health, hobbies, and the things you would like to achieve in your life. Rafal thinks that treating your work… READ MORE

[Inspire Stage] Technology Evangelism 101

📍 Inspire Stage, Expo 🕥 30 Minute Session What is a technology evangelist, and why does your business need one? Many organizations have leveraged the title, but with limited impact. In this session, we’ll explore the many different roles of the technology evangelist, and help you to determine when and how to add this role… READ MORE

[Inspire Stage] The AI Ethics Session Nobody Knew We Needed

📍 Inspire Stage, Expo 🕥 30 Minute Session Asking AI to generate an image for you, create content, answer questions? Very convenient, but oh-so-problematic. AI is not only borderline plagiarizing styles from human artists, who then don’t get recognized, but also highly biased as it reflects the oppressive systems (racism, imperialism, sexism, ableism…) we still… READ MORE

[Inspire Stage] Tech Person – Your Physical Body Exists

📍 Inspire Stage, Expo 🕥 30 Minute Session This is a wellness story along my road from tech-geek to a fit-tech-geek. What “works for me”, my advice and guidance, is intended to inspire and amuse. I learned about my body – physiologically, metabolically, and I learned how to work out. No need to feel like… READ MORE