Resolve SharePoint Document Library Limit by creating custom SharePoint library structures within Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM!

SharePoint Security Sync

James, a sales manager at Datum Corporation, uses Microsoft Dynamics 365 SharePoint Integration to store and manage CRM documents/attachments in SharePoint. But over time, he outgrew the Microsoft recommended SharePoint document library limit of 5,000 items.

Although you can add up to 30 million items per library or list, Microsoft recommends a general document library limit of 5,000 items per list or library, above which you will have to deal with problems like not being able to view more than 5,000 items in a library, facing errors creating unique permissions for the folders, and performing actions such as renaming or moving files within the library taking a lot of time because of servers getting overloaded.

Therefore, Microsoft has placed the 5,000 items limit to give users a smooth experience with the SharePoint document library by maintaining server performance and allowing users to access the library quickly and not because of the common misconception of storage capacity limit.

Unfortunately, Microsoft Dynamics 365 SharePoint integration does not have any out-of-the-box functionality to allow users to store more than the SharePoint document library limit of 5,000 items without having to deal with all the problems that come with it. And also, there is no way to overcome the unique permissions limit for 50,000 items per document library or list.

So, when James was looking for solutions to overcome these SharePoint limitations. Brad, a sales executive at Datum Corporation, told him about SharePoint Security Sync’s limitless document management capabilities and how it can help their organization overcome SharePoint document library limit and unique permissions limit by creating customized folder structures based on the organization’s document management needs to store files across various libraries and avoid hitting the 5,000 item limit.

If, like James, you are also curious to know more about SharePoint Security Sync, then keep scrolling.

SharePoint Security Sync is a Microsoft AppSource Preferred comprehensive solution for integrating Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM with SharePoint for managing documents and their user privileges. With SharePoint Security Sync, James can automatically sync user security privileges set in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM with the document access permissions in SharePoint.

This ensures the same level of security as that in Microsoft Dynamics CRM for documents stored in SharePoint, and James can also use workflows to automate the process of creating SharePoint folders.

James can also overcome both SharePoint limits by creating custom folder structures in SharePoint using SharePoint Security Sync.

Let’s have a look at the custom folder structure feature in more detail.

Custom folder structures to handle SharePoint library limits

James can easily customize the document library structures within SharePoint based on specific needs. SharePoint document library structures can be customized by Period (periodically), by Starting Character (alphabetically), or by Custom Names (based on any particular field name).

Another benefit of this functionality is that it allows James to create folder structures different from traditional Microsoft Dynamics 365 SharePoint integration folder structures. Instead of having everything organized by per entity (e.g. Account, Contact, or lead), he will have complete freedom to create folder structures based on his specific needs. It would help James boost his team’s productivity by enabling them to find the SharePoint documents they need quickly and effectively overcome both the SharePoint limits by storing files/items across various customized folder structures to avoid hitting the 5,000 item limit.

For example, suppose James has outgrown the SharePoint list limit of 5,000 items for the SharePoint document library where he stores account entity data. So, James creates a periodical document library for six months and saves documents/attachments related to that period in it. By setting the ‘Period type’ to ‘X Month’ and ‘Duration’ to ‘6’ for the Account entity, Additionally, he also customizes the SharePoint record folder structures by using a logical name, text, or a combination of the two.

By doing so, James will now have a half-yearly SharePoint document library for storing files/items for each Account entity record created during that time period.

SharePoint Document Library
SharePoint Document Library

Similarly, James can organize the document library alphabetically or by any specific field name in CRM records. This is very useful for segregating and storing CRM data in SharePoint based on your needs.

Found this feature to be useful?

There is much more to SharePoint Security Sync’s features. If you’re curious to experience the app first-hand, you can get it from our website or Microsoft AppSource with a 15-day free trial period.

For more information about our SharePoint security Sync app, please contact us at

Also, check out Attach2Dynamics, our Microsoft AppSource Preferred document management and cloud storage integration app for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM. It enables Dynamics 365 users to manage CRM attachments on multiple cloud storage platforms, such as SharePoint, Dropbox, and Azure Blob Storage.

About the Author

Inogic is one of the most experienced Microsoft Gold ISV for Dynamics 365 CRM & Power Platform (Power Apps, Power BI, Power Automate). Inogic is a hub of innovation and cutting-edge technologies. Inogic delivers innovative services and products to enhance Dynamics 365 CRM & Power Platform performance and usability enabling organizations to transform their businesses and achieve high ROI.


Inogic, 2023, Resolve SharePoint Document Library Limit by creating custom SharePoint library structures within Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM!,, Available at: [Accessed on 28 September 2023]


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