Tag: Conference

ESPC19 Programme Announced
ESPC19 Programme Announced
Blog Posts

The Programme for ESPC19 has just been announced We are delighted to announce and share with you the Conference Programme for ESPC19. With a line-up of exceptional speakers and topics, curated by our independent programme team of industry experts, ESPC19 will inform and inspire you for what’s ahead in the world of SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure, delivered… READ MORE

ESPC18 Highlights Video
ESPC18 Highlights Video
Blog Posts

In November 2018, over 2,000 SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure professionals gathered in Copenhagen for the annual European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure conference. This video is a brief extract of all the learning, developing, networking and fun that was had over this amazing 4 day event. Like what you see? Then join us at… READ MORE

ESPC17 KEYNOTE #1: Accelerate your digital transformation with SharePoint and OneDrive
ESPC17 KEYNOTE #1: Accelerate your digital transformation with SharePoint and OneDrive
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Presented by Jeff Teper, Corporate Vice President, Office, SharePoint & OneDrive, Microsoft, USA SharePoint and OneDrive innovations empower people and organisations to share and work together, inform and engage people, transform business processes, and harness collective knowledge from anywhere, on all your devices. During this must-see session, Microsoft Corporate Vice President Jeff Teper will share… READ MORE

Best Practices for Getting the Most Out of SharePoint Conferences
Best Practices for Getting the Most Out of SharePoint Conferences
Blog Posts

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of a speaking at Live360 in Orlando Florida. At the conclusion of the event, the organizers held a Q&A session with all of the attendees. The attendees could ask technical questions to the expert panel or provide feedback about the conference. There was some great discussion about how the conference could be improved and how attendees could get the most value out of the event. I have attended many conferences both as a speaker and as an attendee, and thought I would share my thoughts on how to get the most out of a conference or SharePoint Saturday as an attendee: