Tag: Hybrid

Understanding Hybrid Environments in SharePoint 2019 - Hybrid Overview
Understanding Hybrid Environments in SharePoint 2019 – Hybrid Overview

The book takes you through the setup and configuration of SharePoint 2019 on virtual machines in Microsoft Azure. It gives you an overview of the features of the SharePoint Server 2019 User Experience. Download Chapter 1: Hybrid Overview. This chapter discusses The Term Hybrid, Need for Hybrid Environment, Benefits of Hybrid Deployments, Hybrid Architecture, Moving… READ MORE

Hybrid Dilemma: Dividing content between Azure, O365 & SP2016

Hybrid SharePoint: Hybrid Dilemma: Dividing Content Between Azure, O365 & SP2016 Speaker: Adam Levithan, Director Product Management, Metalogix, USA With SP2016, IT Pros face the question – Where does my content belong, Azure, O365, or on-premises? We will examine a real-life scenario where an organization divided content across O365/SP2013 workloads, and how SP2016’s search, profile,… READ MORE