Tag: Microsoft Teams Week

Get all Teams a User is Part of Using PowerShell PnP
Get all Teams a User is Part of Using PowerShell PnP
Blog Posts

As you may be aware already (hopefully!), we have Microsoft Teams cmdlets surfacing in the SharePoint PowerShell PnP module since July 2020. Today, we’ll work again with those cmdlets. As a matter of fact, we’ll use 2 modules for this blog post. PowerShell PnP Azure AD So make sure you’ve got both installed to be… READ MORE

How to Use SharePoint Spaces in Microsoft Teams
How to Use SharePoint Spaces in Microsoft Teams
Blog Posts

SharePoint Spaces in Microsoft Teams are 3D virtual “spaces” you can create to modern SharePoint Site. They are best experienced with AR/VR Headset but you can use them with 2D displays as well. Since they are in public Preview I thought I give them a real test finally. When you think about use cases for… READ MORE

Configure Room Lists for Microsoft Teams
Configure Room Lists for Microsoft Teams
Blog Posts

Why Room Lists When planning and preparing for an Office 365 deployment you can often get lost in the weeds of features and services and forget about the user experience of the individual services. I like to ensure that we plan for delighters when the service affords me the opportunity. The are several things about Microsoft Teams that drive… READ MORE

Top 7 Hidden Features in Microsoft Teams
Top 7 Hidden Features in Microsoft Teams
Blog Posts

Last year Microsoft Teams overtook Slack when it reached 13 million daily users. Since then it has only grown and continues to add new features. We recapped some of these new features that were announced at last year’s Microsoft Ignite, including the long-awaited addition of private channels. However, as more and more features are added some are inevitably going… READ MORE

Adding PowerApps as Teams application to Teams via Graph API
Adding PowerApps as Teams application to Teams via Graph API
Blog Posts

You may already be aware that you can export a PowerApps to Teams. In case you haven’t heard about this part check this URL: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/add-your-canvas-apps-to-teams/ However, the real interest is in what we can do with PowerApps once we have uploaded the application to Teams App Catalog. You need to figure out, before progressing, a few… READ MORE

Getting Started with Microsoft Forms in Microsoft Teams
Getting Started with Microsoft Forms in Microsoft Teams
Blog Posts

In this week’s blog post I want to share how you can use Microsoft Forms, Microsoft’s tool for creating surveys and sharing them, with Microsoft Teams. This will not be a deep dive into the functionality of Microsoft Forms, for that I would like to recommend Megan Walker’s blog. Everything I do in this blog… READ MORE