Feel Proud of Your Company! Switch to E-Signatures!


In a column for Inc magazine, Geoffrey James lists ten things employees most want (other than a raise). Number 1 on his list: Employees want to feel proud of their company.

There are many ways for your company or organization to provide you with a sense of pride in its character, mission, market position, work environment, or other leadership traits.

Want to add more pride to your workplace? Switch to digital signatures. Start with your department, and grow from there. People take pride in leadership and switching to e-signing shows that you’re a leader, not a follower.

It is now obvious that the world is moving to Digital Transaction Management (DTM), including on-line signing of documents of every type and purpose. The only question is when you and your company will make the switch.

You don’t want to be the last one printing out paperwork to be signed with a pen. Good news is that you don’t need to be the first, either. The rush is on; now is the time to switch.

Recently, a Facebook friend’s post mentioned e-signatures in passing. One of his friends then commented “OMG! Switching to e-signatures changed my life!” – A proud and completely unsolicited comment about the technology and its benefits.

“Where there is no leader, be the leader” is a traditional teaching.

Be the leader, switch to e-signatures. It’s easier than you think.

P.S. Want an additional reason to switch to Digital Transaction Management and e-signatures? A common side-effect of being a leader is a bonus or raise, and that’s good news too!


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