Bob Kreha – Ready, Fire, Aim..

Bob Kreha:

I am really excited to have been selected as a speaker at the
European SharePoint Conference.  I think it’s pretty
impressive that our common use of, and passion for, some of the
capabilities and challenges of using SharePoint can bring people
together from literally all over the globe!  I am confident I
will learn far more than I might impart in my session.

I do think, though, that too many organizations have taken a
READY, FIRE, AIM approach to implementing SharePoint and trying to
“jump start” collaboration across their company and teams.
From working with a broad variety of clients from health care
companies to high tech to moving companies, I have seen that
collaboration in the workplace is not always a natural behavior.
Competitiveness, job preservation, hoarding knowledge, and
other anti-collaborative tactics seem about as pervasive now as

But all is not lost!  Just like any program to aid in
recovery, the first step is to admit you have a problem.  I
look forward to sharing some ideas about how to recognize and
address barriers to collaboration and see if we can’t all play nice

Bob Kreha

Bob Kreha

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