Category: Office Graph

Building Solutions with Microsoft Graph
Building Solutions with Microsoft Graph

Microsoft Graph is the access point to many Microsoft APIs (Office 365,, Excel Online, SharePoint, OneDrive, Skype, etc.) and unlocks many scenarios like accessing user and organization data, interacting with Calendar, and editing Office documents stored in OneDrive from an app. In this book we’ll see the architecture of Microsoft Graph, how to interact with Microsoft Graph and the possibilities it offers.

Let’s have a Dialog about the Dialog API
Let’s have a Dialog about the Dialog API
Blog Posts

It is finally here… the Dialog API! If you have ever built an Office add-in and dealt with authentication, pickers or something of that sort; I’m sure you will understand how great this is. But it’s not just for authentication, with the new Dialog API – we can build some pretty brilliant experiences. This is… READ MORE

Introduction in Microsoft Graph Development (Part 1)
Introduction in Microsoft Graph Development (Part 1)
Blog Posts

Application Development with Microsoft Graph A lot of companies are already using cloud based solutions, among others because of the speed and flexibility of cloud platforms in providing solutions and the long term lower costs compared to On Premise solutions. Microsoft offers a fast growing platform with Office 365 and SharePoint, which is used by… READ MORE