Category: SharePoint 2013

Wikipedia states that SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. Launched in 2001, SharePoint is primarily sold as a document management and storage system, but the product is highly configurable and usage varies substantially between organisations.

According to Microsoft, SharePoint 2013 makes it easy to work together securely on documents and team projects. SharePoint lets users explore features and support options that are available for SharePoint, and get tips for using SharePoint to manage your teams and projects efficiently.

In this category, learn everything from troubleshooting SharePoint 2013 to
Digital transformation and beyond.

Therefore, this category is full of handy tips, tricks, advise and How To videos specifically for SharePoint 2013 users. Check out some of the Step by Step features, expert blogs, eBooks, How To videos and webinars.

SQL Optimization and High Availability (Always-On) for SharePoint
SQL Optimization and High Availability (Always-On) for SharePoint
Blog Posts

SharePoint Always-on deployment strategy is an important requirement to achieve high-availability within an organization. SharePoint has broken the barrier within an organization for collaboration, communication, and social network, but the large amount of data analysed and consumed, along with our culture of always-connected has posed a challenge to keep our infrastructure up and running.

Turning SharePoint into a DAM (Digital Asset Management System)
Turning SharePoint into a DAM (Digital Asset Management System)
Blog Posts

SharePoint has many virtues and capabilities but it is not a DAM, MAM, ECM or any other acronym for organising your digital content. Due to the volume of digital content we are creating today and the demands to deliver that content to more platforms, the need for a way of managing this data is essential. Just buying DropBox storage is not the answer and many SharePoint customers end up looking for solutions that are external to SharePoint that do not work with it, or they have to create bespoke integration which costs time and money.

10 Facts Every SharePoint User Needs to Know [Infographic]
10 Facts Every SharePoint User Needs to Know [Infographic]
Blog Posts

There are A LOT of misconceptions and prejudices toward SharePoint. Some of which stuck with Microsoft’s collaborative platform from its first released version. To clarify the situation, we’ve put together this infographic compiling 10 Facts anyone working with SharePoint or considering doing so should definitely know about.

SharePoint Corporate Directory in Under 10 Minutes
SharePoint Corporate Directory in Under 10 Minutes
Blog Posts

During all the SharePoint projects that I’ve been involved with the thing we always have lengthy discussions on is quick wins. A quick win is something that takes very little time, low cost and an impact that spans throughout the company. Sounds simple enough doesn’t it? Well its not because each company has their own opinion on what that might be and an understanding if the users will actually use it. Even though I would love to talk about all the ideas I have come up with in this blog we are just going to focus on the one that has seemed to have the biggest impact on the “Corporate Directory”.

How the Cloud Can Be Good For Your Business
How the Cloud Can Be Good For Your Business
Blog Posts

Efficient, reliable, cutting edge, secure – all words that you would hope your business are, let’s face it when you are in business you need to keep ahead of the competition and all of these words, and more, are what we strive for.