Tag: Office 365

Microsoft Copilot for Word: Top 5 Features
Microsoft Copilot for Word: Top 5 Features
Blog Posts

In this blog post, we delve into the top five features of Microsoft’s Copilot for Word, as presented by Brian Knight from Pragmatic Works. Copilot, an AI tool based on ChatGPT, is now integrated into Office 365, including Microsoft Word, offering a range of functionalities designed to streamline document creation and editing. 1. Accessibility for All Users… READ MORE

Why wouldn’t you want ROI on your O365 investment
Why wouldn’t you want ROI on your O365 investment
Blog Posts

Do you remember the days when organisations were attempting to move all their applications onto SharePoint on-prem, those were the days of managed code applications and developers loving having to rewrite their applications with every new version of SharePoint. Maybe that is what soured organisations approaches to using SharePoint as a platform.  When we moved… READ MORE

Working with Microsoft 365 Templates
Working with Microsoft 365 Templates

Why create solutions from scratch when you have so many options available in Microsoft 365 templates, through Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Microsoft Lists and Power Platform. On this informative webinar Chirag Patel talks us through some of these templates and we learn how to build our own to accelerate your adoption journey.

Immersive Office 365
Immersive Office 365

This book covers the growing number of tools and techniques by which to access and visualize data on a Microsoft HoloLens 2 device. Whether you know Office 365 and want to move toward mixed reality, or whether you know the Microsoft HoloLens 2 and want to build functionality around Office 365 data, this book helps… READ MORE

Office 365 Backup For Dummies
Office 365 Backup For Dummies

Download Veeam’s eBook which addresses the data security challenges in today’s computing landscape by outlining the out‑of‑the‑box security features in Office 365 and uncovering the gaps that require action to achieve an effective backup and recovery strategy. Download here. Already a member? LOG IN HERE

The New Microsoft Office 365 Security Checklist & Guide
The New Microsoft Office 365 Security Checklist & Guide

This workbook is designed to be easy to follow —like a checklist—so that you can implement a good “baseline” level of security as you proceed through to the end. Part 1 of this guide will cover security controls that you can (and should) implement whether you have Office 365 or Microsoft 365; these protections are… READ MORE