Find an employees user details from their email address with Power Automate

The Office 365 Users connector in Power Automate allows you to find details about your colleagues from their email address/UPN. This is especially useful for finding information such as their name, manager, department, job title, office location or phone number. This information can then be used in the flow, such as escalating an approval request to someone’s manager.

The key actions to find information for others within your organisation are the following Office 365 Users actions:

  • Get direct reports: Obtain user profiles of the specified user’s direct reports
  • Get manager: Obtain profile of the specified user’s manager
  • Get user photo:  Obtain profile photo of the specified user
  • Get user profile: Obtain profile of a specific user, including Given Name, Surname, ID, Nickname, Mobile Phone, Department, About Me, Birthday, Country, Hire Date, Job Title, Office Location.

The screenshot below shows an example flow using the Get user profile and Get manager actions. Based on the email address of the employee, it will look up their details, find the details of their manager, then send off an approval request containing information from both actions. This might also be useful in a scenario were an employee is talking to a Power Virtual Agent in Microsoft Teams. Since they are logged into teams, the email address of the user is already known, and can be used as a basis to find further information about them.

The Select fields field can be left blank in these actions. If blank, it will return all the available information.

About the Author

Super Early Bird
I’m a Microsoft MVP (Business Applications), Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), and I work as a Power Platform Trainer and Evangelist at Barhead Solutions in Sydney, Australia. I run training sessions and events to showcase to people what they can achieve with using Microsoft’s Power Platform.


Elijah, R., 2022, Find an employees user details from their email address with Power Automate, Available at: Find an employees user details from their email address with Power Automate – Rishona Elijah ( [Accessed on 16 January 2023]

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