Tag: Power BI

What is Power Platform?
What is Power Platform?
Blog Posts

Digital transformation has become a top priority for businesses across all industries, and the demand for low-code solutions that enable rapid application development is growing. In today’s fast-paced business environment, organisations need efficient and flexible solutions to improve productivity, streamline processes, and reduce costs. Microsoft Power Platform is an intuitive, collaborative, and extensible low-code solution… READ MORE

What is Power BI?
What is Power BI?
Blog Posts

Power BI is a data visualisation tool that helps you analyse and turn data from different sources into visual reports and dashboards. You can gather, transform, and model data from various sources such as Power Apps, Power Virtual Agents, and Power Automate, and create dynamic data visualisations to gain real-time insights and make informed decisions… READ MORE

Power BI Paginated Reports: How To Format List
Power BI Paginated Reports: How To Format List
Blog Posts

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to format lists in Power BI Paginated Reports. Specifically, you’ll learn how to add texts and create dynamic table headers. The goal of this tutorial is to create a list in a paginated report that looks similar to this: A Dynamic List Header In Power BI Paginated Reports Insert a textbox… READ MORE

Is Power BI A Semantic Layer?
Is Power BI A Semantic Layer?
Blog Posts

The short answer: yes. And it’s a metrics layer and a metrics store and it’s headless BI too for what it’s worth. I’ve been meaning to blog about this question for a long time now, for two reasons: Customers migrating to Power BI often ask me if Microsoft also has a product or service that… READ MORE

Blog Posts

This is the second installment in our two-part series on DAX window functions announced in the December 2022 release of Power BI Desktop. I will first answer the questions that I had received from the community about topics covered in the first article, and then go into more technical details about the implementations of these functions to… READ MORE

Solving Business Problems Using Machine Learning in Power BI
Solving Business Problems Using Machine Learning in Power BI

achine learning is in its heyday, but the question for many businesses remains:
How can it solve the existing problems?

In this session, Leon takes a look at business areas in which ML could make a good case. This session will help you solve common business problems using machine learning in Power BI so you can figure out how it might be applied to your business.

In this session we will learn:
– What is Machine Learning (ML)?
– How can we benefit from ML in Power BI?
– Solving business problems with ML
– Resources to continue learning

Watch this webinar recording where Leon Gordon, MVP, takes you through how you can solve business problems using machine learning in Power BI.

Blog Posts

The December 2022 release of Power BI Desktop includes three new DAX functions: OFFSET, INDEX, and WINDOW. They are collectively called window functions because they are closely related to SQL window functions, a powerful feature of the SQL language that allows users to perform calculations on a set of rows that are related to the current row. Because these functions… READ MORE

Power BI , Power Automate— auto refresh dataset after dataflow
Power BI , Power Automate— auto refresh dataset after dataflow
Blog Posts

Today I want to show you how to implement an auto dataset refresh after a dataflow is refreshed. On order to this, we use Power Automate. Let’s say that after an Iowa_Liquor_Sales dataflow is refreshed we want to refresh an Iowa_Liquor_Sales dataset automatically. So, create a New flow and choose an Automated cloud flow option. Choose a When dataflow refresh completes trigger. After creating the trigger, you are… READ MORE