Tag: PowerApps

Edit Subgrids Side by Side with Power Apps Grid or Editable Grid
Edit Subgrids Side by Side with Power Apps Grid or Editable Grid
Blog Posts

There are a few blogs about opening the records of a subgrid in a dialog. For instance While dialogs are a much better user experience than navigating away, I would like to write about another option we can use: side-by-side editing using Side Panes (here the learn sdk link). The difference between the Dialogs (opened with Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo) and… READ MORE

Disable Cells Using Power Apps Grid Customizer Control
Disable Cells Using Power Apps Grid Customizer Control
Blog Posts

Disabling controls on a form is a top requirement for model-driven apps projects. Of course this logic needs to be enforced on grids too. In case you are aware about “why we need this” and “what are the challenges”, and are looking for the solutions, you can jump directly to #Solutions. I’ve implemented 3 solutions, from… READ MORE

Create a ChatGPT in PowerApps
Create a ChatGPT in PowerApps
Blog Posts

Before we begin, please note that the OpenAI GPT-3 API is a paid service, and you will need an API key to use it. You can sign up for the OpenAI API on their website. Step 1. Create a Power Automate flow First, we must create a Power Automate flow that will call the OpenAI GPT-3… READ MORE

Share links with access to records in Model-driven Power Apps
Share links with access to records in Model-driven Power Apps
Blog Posts

Microsoft has been working towards a unified sharing experience across their cloud products. The dialogs that many are using today in Microsoft 365 services like SharePoint and OneDrive for sharing access to files is also finding its way to Power Platform. The visible UI in a sharing dialog is only one part of the experience. Knowing what… READ MORE

How To Migrate List Based Power Apps Across Tenants
How To Migrate List Based Power Apps Across Tenants
Blog Posts

In this article, we will see how to migrate list-based power apps from one tenant to another tenant. In the previous article, we learned how to migrate standalone power apps. List based power apps cannot be migrated in a straight way like standalone apps. Follow the below steps to migrate the app across the tenant, Go… READ MORE

How To Patch A SharePoint Person Column In Power Apps
How To Patch A SharePoint Person Column In Power Apps
Blog Posts

In this blog, we are going to see how to use the patch function to update a SharePoint Person column in Power Apps.  In a SharePoint list we have a column RequestedBy, our goal is to update a RequestedBy (Person type) from Blank to “Nagalingam Ravishankar”. Input Meeting Request (SharePoint List) ID RequestedBy RequestDateTime 1 27/12/2022 10:47AM 27/12/2022 10:47AM Patch Function… READ MORE

Query String In PowerApps URL
Query String In PowerApps URL
Blog Posts

Introduction In this article, we will learn how to use query string parameters in the PowerApps URL and redirect to the specific item directly using the link from an email. First, you need to create one custom SharePoint list to use in PowerApps to bind this list data into gallery controls. For this article, I’ve created… READ MORE