Tag: SharePoint Online

HOT SEAT with Vesa Juvonen - SharePoint Framework (SPFx)
HOT SEAT with Vesa Juvonen – SharePoint Framework (SPFx)

HOT SEAT with Vesa Juvonen – SharePoint Framework (SPFx) In this rapid fire Q&A Hot Seat, Vesa Juvonen, Principal Product Manager, Microsoft, answers questions on SPFx pre-install, dependencies, and the technical stack. The discussion covers the advantages and disadvantages of tightly coupling SPFX with SharePoint online. Vesa is a principal product manager at Microsoft, located… READ MORE

How to migrate information from documentation to SharePoint Online
How to migrate information from documentation to SharePoint Online
How Tos

How to migrate information from documentation to SharePoint Online Are you seeking a streamlined solution to migrate your data from one content management system to another? Join us in this insightful video as Alvaro, a migration engineer at Xillio, walks you through the process of migrating information from Documentum to SharePoint Online. In this video,… READ MORE

Launching Your SPO Site or Portal
Launching Your SPO Site or Portal
Blog Posts

In this short post I cover the SharePoint Online (SPO) Launch Scheduling Tool and why you should get familiar with it before you launch a new SPO site or portal. Getting Set To Launch Your SPO Site? I’ve noted that my style of writing tends to build the case for the point I’m going to… READ MORE

Managing SharePoint Online Security: A Team Effort
Managing SharePoint Online Security: A Team Effort
Blog Posts

Security has always been an important topic, and even more nowadays. We want our users to securely access the environment, share files, and our IT team to sleep at night don’t we? In this article, we’ll look at the most important settings in Microsoft 365 to help you with Managing SharePoint Online Security, and see how it… READ MORE

Deploying Microsoft 365 Teamwork: Exam MS-300 Guide
Deploying Microsoft 365 Teamwork: Exam MS-300 Guide

Prepare to achieve Microsoft 365 Certified Teamwork Administrator Associate certification by learning essential SharePoint Online concepts, and answering self-assessment questions to test your knowledge. Download Chapter One: What is SharePoint Online? to learn the basic concepts about SharePoint Online and Office 365 Groups. Purchase the full copy here To download this eBook sign up here.

SharePoint Online Multi-language Modern Sites – real case, pros, and cons
SharePoint Online Multi-language Modern Sites – real case, pros, and cons
Blog Posts

Intranets and digital workspaces are in constant change and evolution. Multi-language intranets and workplaces are increasingly a common business requirement. In the classic SharePoint we usually take advantage of the publishing infrastructure and publishing sites, and the variations feature to create a multi-language information structure and experience. In SharePoint Online it is still possible to use the… READ MORE

SharePoint Online Essentials
SharePoint Online Essentials

SharePoint Online Essentials gives an overview over features that users should understand to be able to work efficiently in Office 365 SharePoint. It is written by Microsoft certified SharePoint expert and trainer Peter Kalmström, who has published several books on SharePoint and Office 365 features. SharePoint Online Essentials describes the modern as well as the… READ MORE