The Real Oliver Wirkus

Meet Oliver Wirkus – Speaker – Sci-Fi Fan and Toy Repair Man.
Read on to find out more…

1. What do you do in your spare time?
As a proud father of 4-year-old twins, I don’t have much spare
time, but I love to spend as much time as possible with them. To
witness kids growing up is a wonderful gift.

2. Favourite TV show?
At the moment I watch NCIS or CSI:Miami.

3. Favourite Book?
I’m a Sci-Fi fan. I don’t have a favourite book, but some books of
Robert A. Heinlein I have read more than once.

4. Favourite Movie?
One of my favourite movies is “12 Angry Men” by Sidney Lumet

5. Apart from a career in SharePoint what would be your
dream job?

Buying a big boat and offering nature-friendly (green)
whale-watching tours in British Columbia, Canada.

6. Who is the biggest party animal in

I am still a rookie in SharePoint Party Land … maybe I should join
more SharePoint parties to be able to answer this question

7. Who is the biggest troublemaker in

I don’t think there are troublemakers in the worldwide SharePoint
Community, but people who think different or ask inconvenient
questions. Bjørn Furuknap or Christian Buckley for sure belong to
those, but the community needs them and the other ‘troublemakers’ –
so guys keep on making trouble

8. Where would be your ideal holiday

Canada (British Columbia), Vancouver or Vancouver Island.

9. Have you any hidden talents?
I don’t know – but my twins would confirm that Daddy is able to
repair many of their toys

10. If you could go on a date with someone famous, who
would it be?

Angelina Jolie. Her courage and mental strength is

11. You can invite 3 people, dead or alive to your dinner
party. Who would they be and why?

Am I limited to only one dinner party? There are so many people I
would like to talk to. Just to make a start – for the first dinner
party I would like to invite Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Larry P

12. If you were stranded on a tropical island and could
only bring 3 things with you what would they be?

My DSLR with a solar charger and some memory cards, a real book
(not an ebook) about how to survive on a tropical island and my old
swiss army knife.

13. What’s the best piece of advice you were ever

Believe in yourself and your capabilities.

14. What was the last thing you ate?
Sushi – I love Sushi … and home-made canadian burgers

15. Who is your hero?
My wife for supporting me and giving me the time to do all the
SharePoint stuff I love to do.

16. What’s your most embarrassing moment?
That’s too embarrassing or too private to share! But my most
blissful moment was to witness the birth of our twins.

17. What’s the craziest thing you have ever

Buying a big motor bike (my first and only) and travel with
friends for 3 weeks through Scotland – without much preparation
before. We really travelled light, used mostly camping sites and
decided in the evening where to go to on next morning.

18. What part of your daily routine can you not live

The first cup of coffee in the morning.

19. If you could do one thing to change the world what
would it be?

Ban selfishness and racism from everyone’s mind.

20. Biggest fear?
My wife or my kids getting an incurable disease.

21. Favourite song?
I choose my songs depending on the current mood I’m in. So there
is no song I would call favourite. You’ll find Rock, Pop and
Country in the playlists of my Smartphone. But I must admit that I
like the tunes of Mark Knopfler.

22. If you could choose anyone to be your mentor who would
it be?

Jedi Master Yoda, who else? May the force be with me

23. If you could share the stage with anyone in SharePoint
who would it be?

Dan Holme and Christian Buckley. They are my favourite SharePoint


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