10 Facts Every SharePoint User Needs to Know [Infographic]

There are A LOT of misconceptions and prejudices toward SharePoint. Some of which stuck with Microsoft’s collaborative platform from its first released version. To clarify the situation, we’ve put together this infographic compiling 10 Facts anyone working with SharePoint or considering doing so should definitely know about.

Find the elaborate version of these Indispensable SharePoint Facts in the full article.

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SharePoint User

SharePoint User

This infographic originally appeared on Sharegate here.

If you found this inforgraphic useful, why not check out another Benjamin Niaulin inforgraphic on ‘Ultimate Guide in Choosing Between OneDrive and Office 365’ Take a look>>

About the Author: Benjamin Niaulin – Geek and SharePoint MVP, Benjamin has been around the globe helping people reach their goals by simplifying SharePoint. As a certified Trainer for well over 6 years, he has become very comfortable training and sharing his experiences. But first of all, Benjamin is just a Geek, in love with SharePoint since the beginning of the 2007 version up to now amidst the cool new features in SharePoint 2013.

SharePoint User by Benjamin Niaulin

Benjamin Niaulin


You can follow Benjamin on Twitter here!

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