Category: Best Practices

If you’re a site owner, it’s a good idea to create a governance model, often referred to as ‘Best Practices’ – that is, a model to address your site’s policies, processes, roles, and responsibilities. Naturally, commercial or professional procedures that are accepted or prescribed as being correct or most effective, are considered the best to follow.

As Best Practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives, usually it produces results that are superior to those achieved by other means.

Therefore, this category is full of useful tips, practical examples and advise. With How To videos, eBooks, Webinars, Blogs to help you learn and become more productive in implementing Best Practices.

Privacy, Security and Compliance with Delve
Privacy, Security and Compliance with Delve
Blog Posts

Last year Paul Olenick, Microsoft MVP, published a blog all about Delve and the Office Graph for the European SharePoint Conference. In that post, Paul included one paragraph about how to exclude content from Delve. In this blog we’ll explore that topic more deeply in terms of Privacy, Security and Compliance with Delve.

Workflow Development in SharePoint 2013
Workflow Development in SharePoint 2013

From the book “Professional SharePoint 2013 Development” by Reza Alirezaei, Brendon Schwartz, Matt Ranlett,Scot Hillier, Brian Wilson, Jeff Fried and Paul Swider. This eBook is chapter fifteen, titled ‘Workflow Development in SharePoint 2013’. Topics in this chapter include; Learning about the core workflow concepts Understanding the workflow platform architecture Reviewing the key workflow development tools… READ MORE

Getting Started with Developing Apps in SharePoint 2013
Getting Started with Developing Apps in SharePoint 2013

From the book “Professional SharePoint 2013 Development” by Reza Alirezaei, Brendon Schwartz, Matt Ranlett,Scot Hillier, Brian Wilson, Jeff Fried and Paul Swider. This eBook is chapter six, titled ‘Getting Started with Developing Apps in SharePoint 2013’. In this chapter, you will learn how to; – Compare apps to solution-based development – Learn how app development… READ MORE

My experience in Stockholm #ESPC15: Day 1 Keynotes
My experience in Stockholm #ESPC15: Day 1 Keynotes
Blog Posts

With the ESPC16 Call for Speakers just closed, we thought we would have a look back and give you an insight into the conference. In this article, Alexandre Ferreira, Head of SharePoint Development for Storm Technology, describes what it was like attending ESPC15 in Stockholm and what were his personal highlights.