Category: Best Practices

If you’re a site owner, it’s a good idea to create a governance model, often referred to as ‘Best Practices’ – that is, a model to address your site’s policies, processes, roles, and responsibilities. Naturally, commercial or professional procedures that are accepted or prescribed as being correct or most effective, are considered the best to follow.

As Best Practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives, usually it produces results that are superior to those achieved by other means.

Therefore, this category is full of useful tips, practical examples and advise. With How To videos, eBooks, Webinars, Blogs to help you learn and become more productive in implementing Best Practices.

Process Approach
Process Approach
Blog Posts

ISO 9001:2015 utilises a process approach in the implementation and auditing of a QMS. A process has five distinct characteristics: Inputs Outputs Use Transformation Measurability Ownership In this last revision, the process approach was enhanced with the consideration of the PDCA cycle and risk-based thinking. Therefore, having a process approach helps with multiple standards, like… READ MORE

Connect external services to SharePoint using Microsoft Flow
Connect external services to SharePoint using Microsoft Flow
Blog Posts

Connecting external services to SharePoint specially the ones that are not part of Microsoft ecosystem was incredibly hard but this is about to change with Microsoft Flow. Microsoft Flow is an event-automation service developed to create automated workflows between your favorite apps and services to get notifications, synchronize files, collect data, and more. SharePoint 2016… READ MORE

Archiving in SharePoint
Archiving in SharePoint
Blog Posts

In this article I’ll describe built-in archiving  in SharePoint / Office 365. I’ll cover topics like on how you can use Site / Library based retention to fulfil company or legal requirements. Background It’s often the case that we’re creating a SharePoint site for a project. Typically, they last for a specific amount of time,… READ MORE

Best Practices for Deploying SharePoint Online & SharePoint 2016

Best Practices for Deploying SharePoint Online & SharePoint 2016- firstly, Best Practices for Deploying SharePoint Online & SharePoint 2016 webinar- Are you looking for a better strategy to implement Office 365 but already have an on-premise SharePoint 2013 or SharePoint 2016 implementation? If so this session is for you to understand how both systems can… READ MORE