Digital Workplace of the future
To truly understand what people are talking about when discussing the transformation to a digital workplace, we first need to define the term a “digital workplace”. Although opinions on the term differ, in general a digital workplace is an environment where employees are able to access and deliver the right information to the right person at the right time – quickly and easily, across devices and locations. It’s about sharing information seamlessly and with consistency.
In this digital age we are all inundated with information. How do you find what you need, and share what you know? We need to collaborate, communicate and disseminate information across the organization with colleagues in an efficient manner. You need your team to be communicate effectively and efficiently with access to information at their fingertips, while engaged in their job duties.
In most organizations information is scattered across a wide variety of applications and employees are communicating through various mediums (email, chat, Intranet applications, etc.). It’s difficult or impossible to know if your content is reaching the right people and when it doesn’t work gets duplicated. With more and employees discussing a topic (collaborating on a project) complexities increase and work is not done as efficiently as could be due to lack of information flow in a streamlined manner. Now imagine the alternative (the digital workplace) expressed as four c’s:
Content – You have ready access to relevant content in a centralized place that is easily found and shared.
Collaboration – You are able to discuss with individuals or teams to resolve issues, get questions answered, and develop new ideas with ease.
Context – Your Intranet landing page is personalized to you and relevant, just as it is for everyone else. Just the right information, at the right time, delivered to the right person.
Of course, you cannot jump directly from chaos to order but you will never achieve a true digital workplace unless you know where it is that you want to go. Hoozin can help your organization on its journey to a digital workplace in a clear, concise, and unambiguous way with our easy to use, out of the box personalized landing page (dashboard) customized for your business.