Tag: Collaboration

Mastering Microsoft Loop - Your Modern Collaborative Canvas
Mastering Microsoft Loop – Your Modern Collaborative Canvas

Mastering Microsoft Loop – Your Modern Collaborative Canvas Join Daniel for this webinar recording and learn all about Mastering Microsoft Loop! What will you learn from watching ‘Mastering Microsoft Loop – Your Modern Collaborative Canvas’? In today’s fast-paced business world, effective teamwork is essential for success. But with teams often spread out across different locations… READ MORE

5 Features for Admins to Enable Better User Adoption in Model-Driven Apps
5 Features for Admins to Enable Better User Adoption in Model-Driven Apps

Watch this webinar recording on 5 features for admins to enable better user adoption in model-driven Power Apps. Join Vivian Voss, MVP, Avanade, Denmark, as she goes through 5 features for model-driven apps that have helped a better user adoption in her recent projects.

After multiple successful and not so successful implementations of different model-driven apps, there started to form patterns. Patterns of tasks / features implemented in the successful projects, that were missing in the other ones.

In this webinar, Vivian will explain about the different features and areas, show you what you can do to implement them and in the end also give you some resources to make sure your users are even happier to use the new app.

We will be looking into the Power Platform Admin and Maker Portal and also the functionality in a model-driven app from both the user and admin perspective.

After attending this session you will have more features / tools in your toolbox for better user adoption for model-driven apps.

What is a Digital Workplace Transformation?
What is a Digital Workplace Transformation?
Blog Posts

To truly understand what people are talking about when discussing the transformation to a digital workplace, we first need to define the term a “digital workplace”.   Although opinions on the term differ, in general a digital workplace is an environment where employees are able to access and deliver the right information to the right person… READ MORE

Extending Collaboration with SharePoint and Microsoft Teams
Extending Collaboration with SharePoint and Microsoft Teams

This webinar will outline the core capabilities of Microsoft Teams, demonstrating a number of productivity features that will have an immediate effect on employee adoption and engagement, and specifically how Teams can extend and enhance the way your organization uses SharePoint.

From resistance to change, to motivation
From resistance to change, to motivation
Blog Posts

Motivating  employees to change behaviour Resistance to change is what you’ll get without a proper change strategy for your collaboration platform. Collaboration software implementations traditionally were an IT project. And IT people tend to be more ‘what’ people. Tools is what they do, and what they like. They get excited about functionalities and features. But unlike… READ MORE

Why a Digital Workplace is more than just an Intranet?
Why a Digital Workplace is more than just an Intranet?
Blog Posts

The word “Digital Workplace” has set a trend in a way organizations handle internal communications. Historically, intranets have only been deployed to enable employees to collaborate and work towards achieving an organization’s goals An Intranet is built to drive success via the so-called 3 Cs,viz. communication, collaboration and content management Communication: In today’s age, employees… READ MORE