Speaker Spotlight: Jasper Oosterveld

Speaker Spotlight is your chance to get to know the ESPC22 Speakers! Find out what projects they are most proud of, advice, tips, their favourite films and more!

Introducing Jasper Oosterveld

Jasper Oosterveld is a Microsoft MVP and Modern Workplace Consultant from InSpark within the Netherlands. On a daily basis, he works with customers to implement the Modern Workplace with Microsoft 365.

Jasper focuses on collaboration, governance and compliance. Jasper loves to share his expertise and love for Microsoft products with everyone who is willing to listen.

Please recommend one ESPC22 Session (you can’t pick your own 😊 )

Introducing Microsoft Syntex – Content AI for the Microsoft Cloud – European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Conference, 2022 (sharepointeurope.com)

Can you briefly discuss a project you are most proud of?

The delivery of a communication portal for housing cooperation. This new portal brought all the employees together (the office and field workers) and increased the connection between the organization and the employees.

What is your favourite film?

Tricky question but Dune is one of my favorite movies of the last few years.

What is the best career or life advice you have received to date?

Get out of your comfort zone.

Have you any tips on receiving a MVP status?

Don’t get obsessed with the MVP status.

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