Tag: Power Automate

Setting SharePoint Permissions with Power Automate
Setting SharePoint Permissions with Power Automate
Blog Posts

Power Automate can be used to set permissions on items in SharePoint Lists and Libraries. This can allow custom permissions to be set based on metadata or other parameters. In this post I will explain how to set permissions on an item using a Flow that triggers on item creation. Microsoft provides some documentation on Power… READ MORE

Power Automate Flow API Updates – 16 Takeaways
Power Automate Flow API Updates – 16 Takeaways
Blog Posts

The following are my 16 takeaways from the updated docs article – Request limits and allocations. You may also want to refer to the latest release (November 2021) Power Apps and Power Automate Licensing Guide 1. API calls have been renamed to Power Platform requests. 2. You may have to acquire add-on licenses as a ‘good faith’… READ MORE

Create a Simple Teams Creation Workflow using Power Automate
Create a Simple Teams Creation Workflow using Power Automate
Blog Posts

Why do I need to build a Teams creation process using Power Automate? What’s wrong with the standard Team creation process? Well when you create Microsoft Teams out of the box there are only limited governance capabilities. For example: Limited Teams naming standard Teams with duplicate display names can be created Only one owner is… READ MORE