How to Disable the Button From the Ribbon Workspace Synchronization With SharePoint 2010

In most lists or document library in SharePoint 2010, you can use a button from the Ribbon bar to enable synchronization of the contents of that list or document library using SharePoint Workspace. This option, however we can also turn off, getting inside the page the settings of our list, and following this path operations: List Settings => General Settings => Advanced Settings and setting the “Office Client Availability” to “NO.” Like anything, we can choose that setting when using the object model or via Powershell. In this case, we need to enhance the property “ExcludeFromOfflineClient” class “SPList” on the list or document library that we do not want to sync to our users through Workspace. The Code is very simple:

Ribbon Workspace

Sync To Workspace Share Point Ribbon

using (SPSite site = new SPSite ( “WEBSITE URL” ))
{ using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb ()) { SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList ( “NAME LIST” ); list.ExcludeFromOfflineClient = true ; / / so I disabled the sync

list.Update ();

I think that’s one thing to know when you know that users using the applications they use every day of your SharePoint Workspace to manage their own content.

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