SharePoint and Enterprise Mobile – Transformational Yet Most Struggle and Don’t Know What To Do…

Those who listened to my keynote will understand that I am very passionate about SharePoint and Mobile. The mobile revolution of BYOD is here. In fact, 67% of the people who use a smartphone for work and 70% of those who use a tablet for work are choosing the device themselves. They aren’t necessarily thinking about whether their enterprise will support it.

View or download my slides from the SPTechcon Boston 2013 keynote: “SharePoint 2013 and the Enterprise Mobile Revolution

Can you believe that more people are blocking SharePoint access to mobile than enabling it! A Forrester survey in August reported that 92% blocked it. Horrible. Digging into the data you’ll find people plan to change that, but don’t know where to start.

I came across this infographic  based on IDC research and sponsored by SAP that speaks to the struggle of CIOs and senior IT leaders ad their struggle with Mobile. Here’s the permalink for this infographic. Feel free to share it.

Enterprise Mobile

SharePoint in the past has not had a great mobile experience, but Microsoft is changing that with both support for mobile apps across Android, iOS, Windows Phone and more. The development story is much better for SharePoint 2013 as well. Refer to my slides for my state of which apps are available on which mobile OS platforms, but this is a moving target. Here is the gist of the apps that Microsoft has released for mobile…

I’ll provide some guidance in a follow up post… this doesn’t mean to be negative this is a revolution and it’s key to get educated on the strategy to address mobile.

I’ll cover my thoughts on Responsive Web Design… which is changing the way we approach user interface design and rapid prototyping. It’s also something that all people from the business user to the IT developer, designer and IT pro need to know how to articulate this since it is something that should be incorporated into most designs. I mean that, by default most SharePoint Intranets should incorporate a responsive design for key landing pages at a minimum.

For more expert advice on mobile strategy check out Joel’s check ESCP13 conference presentation on ‘SharePoint 2013 Mobile Intranet Strategy‘. Download Now>>

Check out Joel’s blog ‘SharePoint Joel‘ for more insightfull content.

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