Speaker Spotlight: Magnus Mårtensson

Speaker Spotlight is your chance to get to know the ESPC22 Speakers! Find out what projects they are most proud of, advice, tips, their favourite films and more!

Introducing Magnus Mårtensson, Microsoft RD, MVP

Magnus Mårtensson is the Chief Product Officer of Cloudeon part of Devoteam, a Microsoft Azure Most Valuable Professional since the start of Azure, and a Microsoft Regional Director.

He is a consultant, architect, and product development lead, and of course an international speaker traveling the world to teach, network and passionately teach, learn, and experience.

Passions include connecting with audiences and organizing online and global conferences such as CloudBurst and GlobalAzure, and good food wine and company too.

Please recommend one ESPC22 Session (you can’t pick your own 😊)

Azure Synapse Analytics: Data Analytics in the Cloud

Can you briefly discuss a project you are most proud of?

A customer was struggling with ever rising Azure consumption costs. I was part of a team that targeted any waste, implemented Infrastructure as Code, and automation best practices. We managed to reign in the wasteful behaviour and put the customer on a new healthy, productive and slim path.

What is your favourite film?

That is an impossible question. I am a great film buff. Star Wars, Star Trek, LoTR – and much more. Thing is, I am easily entertained, so I like all kind of films. Secretly I enjoy Rom-Com and have a big soft heart. By the way, being easily entertained is a good way to cope with life in general.

What is the best career or life advice you have received to date?

Give your knowledge away! Never hoard your own knowledge like a jealous dragon because it will go out of date. Cultivate a community of trusted knowledgeable friends to mind share with and share your own knowledge with others freely in the tech-community.

Have you any tips on receiving a MVP status?

Focus on sharing! Sharing is caring, and community sharing is tech-life! The best people I have met in this industry, and some of my best friends for life are from the community, whom I have met there. Be giving, and knowledge will visit you many-fold in return!

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