Tag: Power BI

Using Text Measures in Multi-row Cards in Power BI
Using Text Measures in Multi-row Cards in Power BI
Blog Posts

A not-so-well-known feature of the multi-row card visual in Power BI is that it can have its own title, called Card Title, in addition to the title any visual can have. In the image above, the Card Title is blue, and it is formatted separately from the visual title. It only works if you use one measure… READ MORE

Updating the PowerBI Control inside a PowerApps Application
Updating the PowerBI Control inside a PowerApps Application
Blog Posts

Posting for my demos at the 2019 Virtual summit The first demo i went through was here:  https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/PowerApps-Community-Blog/Integrating-PowerApps-Power-BI-and-Flow… The second walk through below:  PowerApps is the perfect compliment to Power BI in that it makes it very easy to update or add data to the underlying datasets that Power BI is Visualizing.  This walk through… READ MORE

Super Charge Power BI: Power BI is Better When you Learn to Write DAX
Super Charge Power BI: Power BI is Better When you Learn to Write DAX

Data analysis expressions (DAX) is the data modelling language of Excel Power Pivot and Power BI. DAX language and DAX functions are the same in both Excel and Power BI and hence the knowledge is transferable between the two. The only difference is getting familiarised with the corresponding interfaces. This book is written to give you exactly that – hands-on practice. Inside you will find explanation of the concepts, sample… READ MORE

Integrate Power BI Reports in SharePoint Online
Integrate Power BI Reports in SharePoint Online
Blog Posts

We have been waiting for this for soooo long! I’m very happy to announce the availability of the Power BI report web part for SharePoint Online! The new web part Microsoft is releasing today enables SharePoint authors to embed Power BI reports directly in SharePoint Online pages with no code required! In the sample below I… READ MORE

Tabular and Power BI - model size
Tabular and Power BI – model size
Blog Posts

Introduction Power BI users, hold on, the article will be relevant to you 🙂 Maybe 🙂 The relatively frequent question I receive at conferences and training on analytical services is: When to use Multidimensional, when to use Tabular (Power BI runs on Tabula). There’s no quick answer (and maybe a separate blog post). One of… READ MORE

Latest on the ESPC Community
Latest on the ESPC Community
Blog Posts

Grow and enhance your skills with the European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Community. Joining the ESPC Community, gives you access to the online resource centre at sharepointeurope.com, providing the best, free content on SharePoint, Azure and Office 365. Topics covered include Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, SharePoint Framework, Office 365 Groups, OneDrive, PowerApps & Flow, Security,… READ MORE