Tag: Power Pages

Using Dataverse low-code plug-ins with Power Pages
Using Dataverse low-code plug-ins with Power Pages
Blog Posts

One of the features currently in preview that I am #superexcited about is Dataverse low-code plug-ins. What are Dataverse low-code plug-ins? They allow you to build server-side business logic specifically for Dataverse. Plug-ins are not new technology. In the early versions of Dynamics (version 3 and before), there was the concept of call-outs, which allowed you… READ MORE

Power Up your Power Pages Knowledge
Power Up your Power Pages Knowledge
Blog Posts

The European Power Platform Conference takes place in Dublin, Ireland, June 20-22nd. At this conference, you will find 90+ Microsoft Power Platform sessions, tutorials and keynotes providing expert insight and covering the latest updates in the Microsoft Power Platform. Below you can see 3 sessions focusing specifically on Power Pages: Crash Course in Power Pages!… READ MORE

What is Power Pages?
What is Power Pages?
Blog Posts

Power Pages is a website building and hosting platform that sits on top of Microsoft Power Platform and offers pre-built templates and tools to govern and administer your live sites. As the newest addition to the Power Platform range of tools, Power Pages empowers you to build low-code, scalable, and secure business-centric websites whether you’re… READ MORE

What is Power Platform?
What is Power Platform?
Blog Posts

Digital transformation has become a top priority for businesses across all industries, and the demand for low-code solutions that enable rapid application development is growing. In today’s fast-paced business environment, organisations need efficient and flexible solutions to improve productivity, streamline processes, and reduce costs. Microsoft Power Platform is an intuitive, collaborative, and extensible low-code solution… READ MORE

Introducing Power Pages
Introducing Power Pages

Power Pages provides new maker experiences to the established foundation of Power Apps portals to build powerful, business websites. Whether you have worked with portals in the past or are a brand new website maker, this session will have something for you. Learn how to quickly provision a new Power Pages site, match it to your corporate branding and quickly surface data from Microsoft Dataverse securely. Do all of this without leaving the new design studio interface!

Nick Doleman from Microsoft, Canada, talks about a fascinating array of topics in this webinar from Power Platform Week! First, he talks about Power Pages and shows you what Power Pages is by demoing how to build a simple portal app. This involves the provision of the site, taking a look at some of the tools required, and designing, building, and styling web pages. It also involves talking about how that page can interact with data, security in power pages, and lastly, how to allow users to view their data.

3 new things from Power Pages that you might have missed
3 new things from Power Pages that you might have missed
Blog Posts

So it happened – Power Apps Portal no more! Long live Power Pages! With the official announcement of Power Pages GA, there is a lot of interesting new stuff – seamless transition from Portals to Pages, new templates, better editor (with support for Advance Multistep forms), refined licensing (Pay-as-you-go is now a thing), security and performance improvements,… READ MORE