[Case Study] – Build a workforce management solution with out of the box tools from Office 365 without any added investment.

A common real-world scenario.

The employees that work for you expect you to effectively, accurately manage the work schedule and as a result would mean getting paid on time. What should you do?


Migrate from the traditional methods of schedule tracking to StaffHub. StaffHub is a tool that was designed and developed specifically for employees with varying working dates and times.

To start your StaffHub experience login here: http://staffhub.ms. StaffHub can be accessed with a desktop browser, on your mobile device with the iOS or Android app. StaffHub is available for Office 365 customers with a K1, E1, E3 or E5 plan.

StaffHub allows you to:

  • Create, update, and manage shifts.
  • Approve shift swaps or confirm vacation requests.
  • Manage different types of shifts with color codes, labels, and sticky notes.
  • Send out messages to individual employees and start group chats.



Flow is a workflow development tool for the Office365 platform and can be accessed with the following URL: https://flow.office.com.

Super Early Bird
Click on the templates link within the tool and search for StaffHub. You will get a grid view list of all of the latest premade StaffHub templates which are available. You also can build a flow from a blank template.

With Flow templates integrate StaffHub data to other Office 365 tools such as the calendar. Third-party tools such as Google calendar.

StaffHub templates available in Flow

StaffHub templates available in Flow


Staff Hub connectors available in Flow

Staff Hub connectors available in Flow

Flow is a continuously evolving as a tool, and as a result, new flow templates and connectors are added.

In conclusion. Bringing it all Together

With a few clicks build workflows with Flow to automate many StaffHub processes such as approvals, integrations with the Office 365 calendar, and Yammer to create an intuitive workforce management solution.

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