ESPC20 Online Speakers Spotlight

ESPC20 Online is honoured to present you with a stellar line-up of 80+ world-class speakers guaranteed to educate and inspire you from wherever you are in the world, meet our ESPC20 Online Speakers.

These global experts will help you succeed faster with Microsoft 365, explaining the latest tips, innovations and trends in Teams, SharePoint, Azure, Power Platform, Project Cortex, User Adoption, SPFx, Migration and more.

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ESPC20 Online Speaker Line-Up

Ahmad Najjar, MVP, Infoworker, Norway 
Aidan Finn, MVP, Innofactor, Ireland  
Albert-Jan Schot, MVP, Portiva, Netherlands  
Aleksandar Nikolic, MVP, M.O.3.A.K. IT Consulting, Serbia  
Alex Mang, Microsoft RD, MVP, KeyTicket Solutions, Romania 
Andrew Connell, MVP, Voitanos, USA 
Asif Rehmani, MVP, MCT, VisualSP, USA 
Ben Howard, MVP, Applepark Ltd., United Kingdom 
Benjamin Niaulin, Microsoft RD, MVP, MCT, ShareGate, Canada 
Bert Jansen, Microsoft, Belgium 
Bill Ayers, MVP, MCM, MCT, Flow Simulation Ltd., UK 
Bram de Jager, MVP, MCM, delaware, Netherlands 
Cameron Dwyer, MVP, OnePlace Solutions, Australia 
Chris O’Brien, MVP, Content and Code, UK 
Christian Buckley, Microsoft RD, MVP, CollabTalk LLC, USA 
Dan Holme, Microsoft, USA 
Dennis Hobmaier, Insight Technology Solutions GmbH, Austria 
Dona Sarkar, Microsoft, USA 
Donald Hessing, MCM, Capgemini, Netherlands 
Dux Raymond Sy, Microsoft RD, MVP, AvePoint, USA
Ed Musters, Avanade, Canada 
Edin Kapic, MVP, isolutions, Spain 
Elio Struyf, MVP, Valo Intranet, Belgium 
Eric Overfield, Microsoft RD, MVP, PixelMill, USA 
Erica Toelle, MVP, Erica Toelle LLC, USA 
Erwin van Hunen, MVP, MCM, Valo Intranet, Sweden 
Fabian Williams, MVP, WithumSmith + Brown, USA 
Gokan Ozcifci, Microsoft RD, MVP, MCT, Valo Intranet, Belgium 
Hans Brender, MVP, HBsoft, Germany 
Heather Newman, Microsoft, USA 
Jasper Oosterveld, MVP, InSpark, Netherlands 
Jeff Teper, CVP – Teams, OneDrive, SharePoint, Microsoft, USA 
Jeff Willinger, MVP, Fujitsu, USA 
Jeremy Thake, Microsoft, USA 
Joanne Klein, MVP, NexNovus Consulting, Canada 
John P. White, MVP, tyGraph, Canada 
Jonas Rapp, MVP, CRM-Konsulterna, Sweden 
Jussi Roine, Microsoft, Finland 
Karoliina Kettukari, MVP, Sulava, Finland 
Karuana Gatimu, Lead, Customer Advocacy Group, Microsoft Teams Engineering, Microsoft, USA 
Laura Kokkarinen, MVP, Sulava, Finland 
Maarten Eekels, Microsoft RD, MVP, Portiva, Netherlands 
Maarten Goet, Microsoft RD, MVP, Wortell, Netherlands 
Magnus Mårtensson, Microsoft RD, MVP, Loftysoft, Sweden
Mark Rackley, MVP, PAIT Group, USA 
Markus Hintner, MCM, MCT, ENTOS IT-Solutions, Austria 
Melanie Culver, International Organisation, Austria 
Mike Fitzmaurice, WEBCON, USA 
Morgan Simonsen, MVP, NBIM, Norway 
Mustafa Toroman, MVP, MCT, Authority Partners, Bosnia and Herzegovina 
Nicki Borell, Microsoft RD, MVP, Experts Inside, Germany 
Paolo Pialorsi, MVP, MCM,, Italy
Pascal Strassl, Miba AG, Austria 
Peter Daalmans, MVP, Daalmans Consulting, Netherlands 
Petri Paavola, MVP, Yodamiitti Oy, Finland 
Rick Van Rousselt, MVP, Advantive, Belgium 
Rik Hepworth, MVP, Black Marble, United Kingdom 
Sakari Nahi, MVP, Zure, Finland 
Sander Berkouwer, MVP, MCT, SCCT BV, Netherlands 
Sasha Kranjac, MVP, MCT, Kloudatech OÜ, Croatia 
Scott Guthrie – Executive Vice President, Microsoft Cloud + AI Group 
Sébastien Levert, MVP, Valo Intranet, Canada 
Serge Luca, MVP, REDWOOD S.L SPRL, Belgium 
Sjoukje Zaal, Microsoft RD, MVP, Capgemini, Netherlands 
Stephan Bisser, MVP, Solvion, Austria 
Susan Hanley, MVP, Susan Hanley LLC, USA 
Thomas Göelles, MVP, Solvion, Austria 
Thomas Maurer, Microsoft, Switzerland 
Thomas Vochten, MVP, MCT, Xylos, Belgium 
Thorsten Hans, MVP, Thinktecture AG, Germany 
Tiago Costa, MVP, MCT, Independent Contractor, Portugal 
Tony Redmond, MVP, Office 365 for IT Pros, Ireland 
Tracy Van der Schyff, MVP, The Guid Stuff, South Africa 
Vincent Biret, Microsoft, Canada 
Vishwas Lele, Microsoft RD, MVP, AIS, USA 
Vlad Catrinescu, MVP, MCT, Valo Intranet, Canada 
Zoe Wilson, Agilisys Ltd, United Kingdom 

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